Viva Joy Blog

Find more about art, photography, movies, fashion, music, travel & other lifestyle posts!

Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez

Old Money Fashion Essentials

There are no specific rules to the Old Money Aesthetic but I have found various clothing items that can be identified in various outfits which can help you replicate them

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Photography Jocelyn Hernandez Photography Jocelyn Hernandez

Best Apps For Photographers

I personally tend to come upon a few problems when working or posting on various social media so to help a fellow photographer out I have made a list of the 8 best apps for photographers that I have personally used!

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Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez

5 Unique Fashion Color Combos

When putting an outfit together most of us always ask ourselves, “What color does this go with?” So to save you the headache of having to find what color combos go together I will give you 5 SUPER UNIQUE color combos and some examples so you can follow them for your next outfit!

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Music Jocelyn Hernandez Music Jocelyn Hernandez

My songwriting process

I want to share with you what my songwriting process and inspiration is like most of the time and hopefully, you can try some of these out and see if they work for you!

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Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez Fashion Jocelyn Hernandez

Cute sweaters for the fall

Fall is almost here! So why not treat yourself to a new sweater for the season? Here are some of the cutest sweaters for autumn you should definitely check out.

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